Unit Equipment


Necessary for detecting invisible or collecting data on unknown materials, as well as identifying previously discovered items, the Scanner is mounted on the shoulder and can detect general information up to twenty meters, as well as perform more detailed scans within one meter. 


Necessary for carrying heavy equipment or cargo by foot, the exosuits are built around standard humanoid design and can be fitted using pneumatic variable length to people of varying heights. 

Armor Variant, Higher Tier

Equipped with armored plating, Higher Tier Juggernauts are granted upgrades after receiving greater mechanical augmentation which requires surgery to properly integrate them into their armor due to the weight, size, and neural link requirements. These suits allow for more variations of heavy weapons and equipment due to their increased strength and power supply. 

Anomaly Containment Units

These boxes, often carried by researchers, can contain incredibly dangerous/anomalous items and allow for safe transport. The casing is specifically designed to mitigate the effects of most anomaly fields and protect the wearer and their travel companions. 


Perfect for allocating all information and connect to all other electronic equipment, the Tac-Pad is the hub of all digital information for the connected equipment as well as providing GPS, networking, and other basic mobile device uses. 

Outline Through Identifier, OTI

The identifier uses specialized multi-sensor type pings and sophisticated calculatory technology mounted on the wearer to create a kind of image via the user's HUD. The range of this device is about 10-15 meteers, makign it perfect for close quarters identification through thin enough walls. If the user has an AI on board their kit, they can extend the range up to 25 meters due to the more advanced calculation capabilities. Due to the highly specialized natureof this kind of gear, technicians and engineers are usually equipped with this device to ensure maximum functionality and use. 



Equipment Ordinance usually consists of explosive material or devices used to destroy or breach. These devices can be planted with the purpose of waiting on an enemy to activate and cause damage, be placed with the intend of structural demolition (such as C4, charges, claymore), or be launched at range (such as a rocket or grenade launcher). 


Some Ordinance can be called in remotely. Either from nearby, large canons, air strikes from fly-overs, or orbitals deployed. This can range from equipment to resupply the ground units, to supporting fire, to heavy gun, explosive, or energy weapon call-in ordinance strikes. 

Shoulder Fired Rockets (Juggernaut, Tier 2)

In some advanced cases, devices such as shoulder fired rockets can be equipped on units with supporting equipment, however this requires a lot of room and often limits what other equipment the unit can carry by a great deal. Due to the requirements, a juggernaut tier 2 is usually outfitted with this device. It can be loaded with one ready to fire rocket, and two spare self reloading rockets on an attached rack.